Monday, March 9, 2009

Despair You Can Believe In...

Though I did not vote for President Obama, I was eager to see what this fresh, young, charismatic person could do for our Country...thought it was maybe time for fresh tactics and a wunderkind to show up to inspire and lead our nation back to solid ground after the difficult time Bush had in inspiring anything but an unwarranted hatred.

I want a 'do-over'.

President Obama appears to be in way over his head and continues to make blunder after blunder. If his intent was to destroy this country, then he is succeeding. He has been disrespectful of our greatest allies and continues to believe he can become chums with the Taliban. Hillary even gave Russia a giant red button and I have a difficult time believing that even SHE couldn't see the un-American symbolism in this very inappropriate gesture.

Every word out of the president's mouth causes the economy to tank further, Geithner is left on his own to figure the whole mess out while he couldn't even master Turbo Tax. The president needs to spend less time stomping carbon footprints all over the world on Airforce One long enough to watch the news and be brought up to speed on the havoc he is wreaking, how weak we as a country are being perceived.

North Korea, Iran, Russia are all very busy flexing their nuclear muscles, kicking sand in the face of our 97 pound weakling of a president and laughing at us as we self destruct and make ripe opportunities for them to call all the shots, if not launch a full scale invasion. President Obama is not talking nuclear anything, not even for energy when it is the most viable source. But, Iran has the bomb. Illegal aliens are crowding our jails and courts, usurping jobs, health care and dwindling funds from actual Americans. Mexico's drug war is now infiltrating the US and border towns are becoming more and more like Afghanistan.

And Obama's course remains unwavering.....kiss up to Cuba, kiss up to abortionists, eradicate wealth and remind us he is/was a pot head. His tax raises will further cripple the country and will give the poor next to nothing except a belief that the government is their sole source of EVERYTHING.

I am thoroughly disgusted, as are many people. Obama's approval rating will tank like the Dow, and only then will he realize his gaffs, just like a good politician should.